Capture to sensor
| Choose the To Sensor mode when you want a high sensor count and unlimited range. After capturing the required movement, you can download your data with Vicon Capture.U Desktop. |
An example of this type of usage might be to monitor the track performance of multiple athletes who are running a marathon. After capturing data from all the athletes, you can download the data from the sensors to your computer with Capture.U Desktop (see Use Vicon Capture.U Desktop).
Capture to Sensor on YouTube.
Watch the Vicon video,
Summary of To sensor mode:
No. of sensors: | Up to 20 |
Data type: | IMU data |
Video: | Reference video |
Axes: | 15 High g and Low g accelerometer Gyroscope and Magnetometer (option to capture all axes) Global Angles |
Output: | Data (.csv, with Desktop) Video (.mp4) and notes (.txt) |
Range: | Unlimited |
Capture rate: | High g accelerometer (default): 1600 Hz Low g accelerometer and Gyroscope: 1125 Hz Low g Magnetometer: 112 Hz |
To capture to sensors:
- Open the Capture.U app.
- In the Capture section, tap To Sensor.
- Either create a new session or select an existing one:
- To create a new session:
At the top of the screen, tap the plus sign + to the right of Sessions.
- In the Session Name field, enter a name for your new session.
- If you want to add an image as an identifier for the session, tap Take Photo and add the required image.
- Tap Done.
Your new session is displayed in the list of sessions on the left.
(To make any changes, swipe the session towards the left and tap Edit.)
- To select an existing session, tap an existing session in the list on the left.
- To create a new session:
At the bottom, tap New Trial, then if required, enter a name for your trial. By default, the trial name is the same as the session name unless you rename the trial. Subsequent trial names are followed by a hyphen and a digit (for example, MyTrial-1) and are automatically incremented (for example, MyTrial-2).
From the options below, select the data to stream (Accelerometer ( High g or Low g ), Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Global Angles), and whether you want to capture a video. Note that if you select Global Angles, then Low g Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer are also captured and the capture rate is reduced to 225 Hz (A, G) and 70 Hz (M).
Note :
For any raw data source, you can set the frame rate using one of the preset options using the Set Rate button. When you have made your selection, tap OK.
For the Low g accelerometer and gyroscope, you can choose between 102, 125, 225, 562 and 1125 Hz.
For the High g accelerometer, you can choose between 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 Hz.
If you do not have any raw data sources, Set Rate is unavailable and a frame rate cannot be set.
Important: If you plan to capture global angles, before you start capture, you must calibrate the IMU sensors. For instructions on how to do this, tap the How to calibrate link or see Calibrate IMUs. You will not be able to set the capture rate for global angles.
If you turn on Capture Video, you can choose to record High (1920 x 1080), Medium (480 x 360, the default), or Low quality (192 x 144) video.
When you have made your selections, check below on the screen, to make sure the data mode is correct (in this case, it is Data captured to sensor), and tap Start Capture at the bottom of the screen.
- Select the sensors, by doing one of the following:
- Tap to select the required sensors from the list on the right; or
- Ensure Enable Tap to Select is activated and then tap the required sensor(s) twice; or
At the top of the list on the right, in the Search field, enter the number of the required sensor.
Important: If one or more of the sensors is displayed in orange and is labeled Reset required, see Manage Bluetooth®-connected sensors.
If you chose to capture Global Angles, one or more of the sensors may be displayed with a 'Require calibration' icon or a 'Calibrated' icon at its top right. For further explanation, see the next step.Note: You can change sensor names from this screen by sliding left on any sensor and selecting Edit Name. For more information, see Manage sensor names.
- At the bottom, tap Start Capture.
If you chose to record a video, it is displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
If Video is not selected, you can capture two trials simultaneously.
To add notes during capture, tap Notes (top right).
To add a region of interest, tap Start a region of interest at the top of the screen. For more details, see Work with regions of interest.
If you chose to capture Global Angles:If one or more of the selected sensors is displayed with a 'Require calibration' icon
at the top right, after you tap Start Capture, on the next screen, a message at the the bottom of the screen prompts you to begin calibration when the trial starts.After several seconds, the capture pane is displayed. A message towards the top of the screen prompts you to calibrate.
For more information on calibration, tap the How to calibrate link or see Calibrate IMUs.
- When you've finished moving the sensor, after 60 seconds the sensor icon changes to 'Calibrated' to indicate that calibration is occurring (calibration is a continuous process).
When you have captured the required data, tap Stop Capture.
Your new trial is displayed in the list of trials on the right of the screen, with the most recent trial at the top.
If you recorded a video, you can play it back on your iOS device without exiting Capture.U by tapping the video icon on the right.
To add notes after you have finished capturing, swipe the trial towards the left and then tap Notes.
To export any video and/or notes that you created, swipe the trial towards the left, and then tap Export.
Tip: As long as the sensors remain within Bluetooth range, you can add notes after you finish capturing a trial. These notes are saved to the sensor and, together with any notes made during capture, are available for review and export in Capture.U Desktop. For details, see Export notes from To Sensor mode.
If you recorded a video, you are asked if you want to include it in the export. Tap Yes, then select the required export option.
A .zip file with the name of your trial, which contains any notes (.txt) and video (.mp4) is exported.Tip: Use Quicktime or another suitable video player, eg VLC Media Player, to view the downloaded video file.
- Download your trial data (.csv) with Capture.U Desktop (see Use Vicon Capture.U Desktop).
Work with regions of interest
You can define regions of interest during capture in both To Sensor and To Device modes.
To define regions of interest:
- In a new or existing session, create a new trial and start a capture.
To add a region of interest, tap Start a region of interest.
At the top of the screen, in the Please enter a new region name box, enter a name for the region of interest.
The name of the region of interest is displayed at the top of the screen. In the following example, it's named Stationary.
The name of the region of interest name flashes to indicate that the data is being associated with the region name.
To stop the region of interest, tap Stop the region of interest.
When the region of interested is stopped, the region name no longer flashes.
- If required, you can now create a new region of interest.
- When you have defined the required region(s) of interest, stop the capture.
Regions of interest are saved, so you can select the newly created region of interest for subsequent trials.
You can add add a region of interest's name to the Favourites list for easy selection in future. To do this, select the star icon next to the region of interest's name.
Export regions of interest
To export regions of interest from one or more sensors:
- Use Capture.U Desktop. For details, see Export regions of interest.
To export regions of interest from a device: