Install and set up Live Link

Install and set up Live Link

This page covers how to install and set up the Live Link Datastream plugin so you can begin streaming data from Shogun to the Unreal Engine 5.

To set up the Live Link plugin, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure you are using Windows version 10 or above.
  2. Install the relevant version of Unreal Engine. These instructions apply to Unreal Engine 5 and later.
  3. Download the Live Link plugin from Vicon.

If you install an updated version of the Vicon Live Link plugin with the same version of Unreal Engine, remember to uninstall the current Live Link plugin first.

Before running the installer, ensure the downloaded engine version matches the Unreal Engine version. The version number is found in the installer filename.

If you are using Unreal Engine 5.4, to use version 1.9 of Live Link 1.9, you must disable the .dll file used by LiveLink Hub. For more information on how to disable the .dll file, see Troubleshoot common issues.

  1. To run the installer, double-click the Vicon_UnrealPlugin_Setup file.

  2. Choose which features to install. The installer includes:

    • Vicon Unreal Plugin 1.#.# - Select this option to use the Vicon Datastream Live Link plugin
    • Bonjour - Select this option to use the Vicon Datastream Source (Auto-Discover) feature.

    When you have chosen what you want to install, click Next.

  3. Accept the license agreement and click Next and continue through the installer.

    The installer automatically detects the installed version of the Unreal engine.

    (warning) Important: If the installer did not detect the engine, click Browse and navigate to the installed engine location (by default this is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.x), then click OK.

  1. In the Unreal Engine, create and launch an existing project.
  2. Navigate to Edit > Plugins to open the Plugins browser.

  3. In the Plugins window, scroll down to the Mocap section.

  4. Ensure the Vicon Datastream Live Link plugin is enabled.

  5. Restart the editor.

When you restart the editor, the Vicon Datastream Live Link plugin is ready to use.

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