Vicon Vanguard technical specifications

Vicon Vanguard technical specifications

This table provides technical specifications for Vicon Vanguard cameras.

Number of pixels (MP) 2 (HD)
Sensor Resolution (H v V) 1920 x 1080
Max Frame Rate (Hz) 120
Lens (mm) 6.5 fixed focal
FOV (H x V)° 78 x 49 (pre-focused)
Camera Latency (ms) 7.5 (maximum)
Sensor Type IR
Shutter Type Global
Shutter Duration Frame rate dependent – configured in software
Data Delivery Onboard compression
Connection Type Cat 6 or Cat 6a / RJ45
Power PoE
Max Power Consumption (W) 8
Dimensions (mm) 80 H x 80 W x 70 D
Weight (kg) 0.277
Mount (in) ¼" 20 UNC threaded
Pixel Size (microns) 5.5
RoHS Compliant Yes
Tap to Select Yes
Bump Detection Yes
Updateable Firmware Yes

For technical specifications for Vicon Lock connectivity devices, see Vicon Lock unit technical specifications in the Vicon Systems Setup Guide.