Usage recommendations for Motekforce Link treadmill

Usage recommendations for Motekforce Link treadmill

Note the following recommendations for setting up and using a Motekforce Link treadmill with Nexus:

  • For ease of use, align the Vicon world Y-axis with the direction of walking on the treadmill. To achieve this, you can either move the treadmill in the laboratory to align with the Vicon world axes in Nexus, or change the Vicon world axes to align with the position of the treadmill. You can then set the incline of both plates of the treadmill by adjusting the X Orientation property of the force plate.

  • Assuming you follow this advice so that the direction of walking on the force plates aligns with the Vicon Y-axis, and the left-right (medial-lateral) direction aligns with the Vicon X-axis, inclination of the force plate will correspond to a rotation of the plate about its X-axis. For example, to set a 10 degree inclination of the treadmill, you would set a 10 degree X (deg) rotation in the plate's Orientation properties.
  • Each capture must use only one inclination of the treadmill. If you need to capture multiple inclinations, to enable you to switch easily between different inclinations, create a number of separate system files: one for each required inclination.

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