Known issues

Known issues

The following issues are known to exist in this release.

(For information on CGM2 issues, see Known issues for CGM2 in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.)

Description Workaround
The example scripts that are supplied with Nexus are compatible with Python 2 only. None. Use Python 2 to run the scripts.
If you have opened Theia outside of Nexus, and then try to run Theia processing through Nexus, the trials are not processed. Before running Theia processing from Nexus, close any other instances of Theia that are currently running.
When you're using Tobii Pro Glasses 3, if the glasses are disconnected from an Ethernet connection and then reconnected, in Nexus, the device continues to be displayed as not contributing (with a gray Play icon) and it stops sending data. To return the device to full functionality, perform a manual resync. To do this:
  • In the Nexus System tree, right-click Local Vicon System and then click Resynchronize.
The sample rate value for AMTI Force Plates displayed in the System tree doesn't match the Acquisition rate that is selected in the Properties of the AMTI Devices Controller. Except in the case of the initial value, the sample rate that is displayed in the System tree is the last selected Acquisition rate, not the current rate. In the Properties of the AMTI Devices Controller, temporarily change the value (up or down) for Fz Threshold.
The sample rate for the force plates in the System tree changes to match the selected Acquisition rate of the AMTI Devices Controller.
When you select a connected Delsys Trigno EMG digital device and in its Properties, set the Trigger Mode to Triggered and then configure the correct sync port, the Delsys device disconnects, and in the System tree, its icon goes gray. Devices do not reconnect until you set the Trigger Mode back to Not Triggered.
  1. In the Nexus System tree, right-click Local Vicon System and then click Resynchronize.
  2. Wait for the Delsys device icon(s) to go green and during the next 4–5 seconds (while the device icons are green), press the START Trigger push button at the top right (below the power indicator) on the Delsys Trigger Module.
    Delsys devices stay connected and green, synchronized and ready to capture a trial.

When you're using a Blue Trident sensor to capture movement, and have Global Angle selected, global angles are streamed, but both global angles and 9-axis raw data is captured to the sensor. None
When you're using Vicon Blue Trident sensors, at high device counts, some sensors begin to drop packets, so some flickering may be observed in the view pane. When working with a large number of sensors, reduce the Bluetooth® stream rate or the number of enabled axes.
This issue does not affect the data recorded to the device.
If you drag the Report Options pane to outside of the Nexus Quick Reports window and release the mouse button, then try to drag it back, it does not re-attach inside the Nexus Quick Reports window. To restore the Report Options pane to its previous docked location, double-click its title bar, then drag it to the required position within the Nexus Quick Reports window.
The Nexus Quick Reports window does not have a Close button. To close the window, press F4.
A crash can occur if any Noraxon EMG error messages are not dismissed before shutting down Nexus. Dismiss all Noraxon EMG error messages before exiting Nexus.
When run via the Run Python operation, the Load Trial command in the Python SDK is not able to load a trial. Run the Python script from IDE or command line.
Some of the latest versions of the FFDShow video encoder fail to work properly. Vicon recommends the use of ffdshow_rev3562_20100907.
Running a legacy VPI operation removes non-standard model outputs.
Use the equivalent native operations.
AMTI digital device plugins missing required dependencies.
For AMTI Digital Device V1_00.vdd, download Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5582
For AMTI Digital Device V1_10.vdd, download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) from https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555
Basler cameras do not work under Windows 10 with Pylon drivers earlier than Pylon5. If Basler cameras will be connected to Nexus 2.5 or later, update to the Basler Pylon5 SDK and drivers (v5.0.0), which are available from the Vicon website.
Device drivers for Cometa/Wave depend on your Windows version. For Windows 10 device drivers, contact Cometa.
When the system frame rate is set above 80Hz, if you enable Preview mode, no preview is displayed for Vicon Vantage cameras (the Camera view is blank). To use Preview mode with Vantage cameras, select a system frame rate below 80Hz.
When you right-click the Devices node on the System Resources pane, Noraxon is not available in the Add Digital Device menu. When you install the Noraxon plug-in (ViconInterfaceForNoraxon - v1.0.2.1.msi), change the installation path to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus2.x\DigitalDevices\
Noraxon Telymyo DTS device halts camera and analog data delivery when Noraxon devices are housed/not charged. Digital devices now have an Enabled parameter in their Properties pane. To prevent a given manufacturer's plugin from holding up the rest of Nexus, clear Enabled for ALL devices from that manufacturer.
Unable to run legacy Static Gait Model under Japanese Windows.
Log entry reads:
No parameter file found
The legacy Plug in Gait model does not support international character sets. Instead of using the legacy Plug-in Gait model, use the native Nexus 2 replacement gait model (found under Data Processing pipeline operations: Process Static Plug-in Gait Model and Process Dynamic Plug-in Gait Model).
Export c3d at the end of a pipeline does not clear the trial and leaves the trial with a dirty flag (*). The Export C3D operation does not write out the subjects associated with the trial. To remove the dirty flag on a trial, save the entire trial, which saves all associated files (x2d, xcp, etc), using the Save Trial - C3D + VSK operation.
Video capture duration can be limited directly after deletion from SSD storage. After deleting your video files, wait a few seconds before starting your next capture. This is because some Solid State Drives require a few seconds to recover full Write speed after file deletion.
Spaces in variable names can cause BodyLanguage to fail. When creating subject parameters for use in BodyLanguage modeling, use underscores instead of spaces.
Nexus can suffer many problems if Eclipse databases are created in locations that are Read-only. These problems range from data silently failing to save to crashes. NEVER create Eclipse databases in locations that require administrator privileges to read or write.
Starting a capture very soon after a change to the system frame rate, or a resynchronization, can result in erratic capture behavior (failure or dropped frames). Avoid starting captures soon after changing the hardware setup.
PAL or NTSC camcorders are included in Active Wand camera calibration if the MX system is set to run at the same standard (i.e. PAL or NTSC). Before performing active wand camera calibration, disable the camcorders.

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