Aim Vicon cameras
Aiming cameras is useful for providing an initial, approximate calibration, before you fully calibrate the cameras as described in Calibrate Vicon cameras.
Before you aim your Vicon cameras, ensure that they are displayed in the 3D Perspective view.
Vicon camera positioning changes in real time. When you physically move a camera in the capture volume, you should be able to see that its representation moves correspondingly in the 3D Perspective view. If you can't see the cameras in the 3D Perspective view, or if you want to change the way the cameras are displayed, press F7 to open the Options dialog box, and on the left, ensure Camera Positions is selected. If required, change the Properties on the right.
When you have roughly positioned the cameras in the volume, you can use the Aim Cameras section of the System Preparation Tools pane to optimize their positions, before running a full camera calibration.
To aim Vicon cameras, you must use the calibration device supplied with your Vicon system. To aim digital video cameras, you must use an Active Wand.
To optimize the position of Vicon cameras:
- In the Resources pane, ensure Nexus is in Live mode.
- In the Options dialog box (press F7), under the General View Options section, select the Target Volume option.
- On the right side of the dialog box, update the properties of the target volume to reflect the dimensions of your capture volume.
- View the Vicon camera feedback by doing the following:
In the view pane, select the Camera view.
In the Camera view toolbar, on the View drop-down list, select 3D Overlay.
In the System Resources tree, click the cameras that you want to aim to select them.
A virtual representation of your target volume is overlaid on the 2D data from the camera image.
- In the System Preparation Tools pane, expand the Set Volume Origin section and from the L-Frame drop-down list select the Active Wand or 5Marker Wand & L-Frame calibration object.
- In the capture volume, place the calibration object flat on the floor in the center of the capture volume at the desired origin position.
In the Aim Cameras section, click Start to begin the camera-aiming process.
Nexus starts attempting to identify the calibration object in each camera view, and the Start button switches to its Stop setting. - In the System Resources tree, select the camera you want to position and ensure that you can see the calibration object in the Camera view.
- Physically move a Vicon camera in the capture volume and check its coverage against the target volume.
- Repeat steps 7–8 for each Vicon camera, until they are all correctly aimed at the calibration object.