Manage camera calibrations

Manage camera calibrations

In the Manage Camera Calibration section of the System Preparation Tools pane, you can click Auto number cameras to automatically number the cameras number in ascending order, according to their position in the capture volume.

The Manage Camera Calibration section also enables you to reset or load camera calibrations that define settings for Vicon cameras.

Automatically number cameras

The Auto number cameras button enables you to quickly number the currently connected Vicon cameras in ascending order, according to their position in the capture volume. To obtain useful autonumbering, you normally auto-number the cameras at some point after you have aimed (and calibrated) the cameras.

You can auto-number the cameras at any point after you have performed the Aim Cameras operation (see Aim Vicon cameras): you do not need to perform a complete camera calibration to auto-number the cameras.

Automatic numbering starts with the camera that is furthest from the volume origin. The cameras are then numbered in a clockwise direction around the volume. If your cameras are positioned at different levels, the cameras in the level that contains the most cameras are numbered first.

To automatically number Vicon cameras:

  1. Ensure Nexus is in Live mode and that you have aimed the cameras.
  2. On the System Resources tab, ensure you can see a list of Vicon cameras.


  3. On the System Preparation Tools pane, in the Manage Camera Calibration section, click Auto number cameras.
    The cameras are automatically numbered in ascending order, according to their position in the volume.


  4. In the volume, check that the cameras are now numbered as required.

Reset and load camera calibrations

During camera calibration, Vicon Nexus creates a calibration parameters (.xcp) file. When you change the currently loaded .xcp file, either by calibrating cameras or by setting the global coordinate system, Nexus stores the calibration state before the changes. This enables you to revert to the previous calibration or load a different calibration at any time while using Nexus (for example, you would normally want to load a different calibration when you connect your Nexus PC to a different system).

Changing a camera calibration can be useful in the following circumstances:

  • To undo a poor calibration
  • To compare calibration changes

To manage camera calibration files in Nexus:

In the System Preparation Tools pane, under the Manage Camera Calibration section, click the desired button:

  • Reset Removes all non-existing cameras, clears the calibrated position for existing cameras, and reverts all calibration parameters to their default settings. This enables you to recalibrate the system from a clean starting point.
  • Load Enables you to load a previously saved calibration file. In the Choose a file dialog box, navigate to and select the desired camera calibration (.xcp or .cp file) and click Open.

If a camera is not calibrating well or has been bumped after calibration, you can remove it from the current calibration prior to data capture.

To remove a camera from an existing system calibration:

Use any of the following methods:

  • In the System Resources pane, right-click on the node for the camera you want to remove and select Reset Calibration; or
  • In the System Resources pane, select the node for the camera you want to remove and in the Properties pane, scroll down to the Calibration section and click Reset Calibration; or
  • In a 3D Perspective view, right-click the camera that you want to remove and then click Reset Calibration.

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