Connect to Vicon Datastream using Live Link

Connect to Vicon Datastream using Live Link

Connect to the Vicon Datastream using Live Link in these ways:

Use Auto-discovery to find server to connect Vicon Datastream and Live Link

Use the Auto-discover feature to connect to a Vicon datastream. This method lets you choose from a list of servers you want to connect to.

The Auto-discover server feature is available only for Shogun Live 1.14+.

To make sure you can find a server using Auto-discover, complete these prerequisites:


  1. Follow the prerequisites outlined in Connect to Vicon Datastream.

  2. Check Bonjour is running.

  3. Make sure an Unreal Engine 5 project is open.

  4. Make sure Shogun Live is open.

Connect to Vicon Datastream using Vicon DataStream Source (Auto-Discover)

To connect to a Vicon Datastream using Live Link Auto-discover, complete these steps:

  1. Open Unreal Engine 5 and open a project.

  2. Go to Window > Virtual Production > Live Link.

  3. Click Add Source and select Vicon Datastream Source (Auto-Discover).

  4. Click on the server you want to add as a source. The server type corresponds to the following port numbers:

    • default → 801: This is a full output and includes paused and live data.

    • low-latency → 804: This is for low latency, object-only output. No subjects.

    • always-live → 8802: This is a full output, live only, no pausing.

  5. Click Create to create the Live Link connection.

    Auto_Discover_02 - Create Source.png

The Live Link connection is now displayed in the Source pane of the Live Link dialog box.

If Live Live cannot find any servers, the Bonjour service may not be running. For more information on checking the Bonjour service, see Troubleshoot common issues.

Manually find server to connect Vicon Datastream and Live Link

To manually connect to a Vicon Datastream using Live Link, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Unreal Engine 5 and open a project.

  2. Go to Window > Virtual Production > Live Link.

  3. Click Add Source and select Vicon Datastream Source.

  4. In the Vicon Server Name field, enter the IP address or the computer name of the Vicon machine.

  5. In the Port Number field enter:

    • 801 (the Vicon default)

    • 804 (the Evoke Low Latency output or Shogun Always Live output)

    • 8802 for live streaming

    For more information, see Unreal Plugin source machine settings.

  6. Click Create to create the Live Link connection.

The Live Link connection is now displayed in the Source pane of the Live Link dialog box, with the subjects displayed in the Subject pane.