Mount the Vicon IR lights

Mount the Vicon IR lights

Mount the Vicon IR lights around the volume, pointing each light towards the area to be illuminated.

Number of lights
We recommend that, whatever the size of your capture area, to ensure even illumination, you use 8 lights.
For 30–90 Hz tracking, reduce the brightness of the lights to 45%; for rates 90–120 Hz, use the maximum brightness of 90% and increase the shutter duration. For information on how to set the brightness, see Set the brightness of the Vicon IR lights in Getting started with your Vicon Markerless system.

Ensure the lights are evenly distributed around the volume, with a light on either side of the volume corners.

To avoid overexposure when a subject is close to the camera, do not mount the the Vicon IR lights close to the Vicon Vanguard cameras.

For more information about the lights, see the Vicon IR Lights Quick Start Guide.