Vicon Markerless system components

Vicon Markerless system components

The major components of a Vicon Markerless motion capture system that includes Vicon Vanguard cameras are:

A Vicon Markerless system also includes Vicon Markerless system cables to connect the hardware devices, and a Vicon Active Wand for system calibration.

Vicon IR Lights, which require a current Vicon Lock unit are also included in a Vicon Markerless system. In each Markerless system, one synchronization source provides synchronization to the rest of the system.

Except where noted, references to Vicon Lock, Lock units, and Lock apply to all current models of the Vicon Lock unit (at the time of publication, this includes Vicon Lock Studio and Vicon Lock Lab).

You can expand and upgrade your Vicon Markerless system as required. The Markerless system is compatible with current Vicon camera ranges such as Valkyrie, Vero and Viper.

Vicon Motion Systems Ltd is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void your authority to operate the equipment.

The following table identifies commonly used components of Vicon Markerless systems.

ComponentDescriptionFurther information


Vicon Vanguard cameraVicon Markerless system motion capture cameras


Vicon Vero camera 

Optional: Vicon optical cameras are needed if prop-tracking is required.

Vicon Vero Quick Start Guide (PDF)


Vicon Valkyrie camera

Optional: Vicon optical cameras are needed if prop-tracking is required.

Vicon Valkyrie motion capture cameras


Vicon Viper camera

Optional: Vicon optical cameras are needed if prop-tracking is required.

Vicon Viper Quick Start Guide (PDF)


Vicon-supplied PoE or PoE+ switches

Vicon Markerless switches


Vicon Lock units

Vicon Lock for synchronization


Vicon Vanguard host PC (with Vicon application software).

Vicon Markerless host PC

For the latest full spec, visit the PC specifications page on the Vicon website.


Vicon IR lightsVicon IR lights


Vicon-supplied cables may include:

  • Cat 5 RJ45 Ethernet cable
  • Cat 6 RJ45 Ethernet cable
  • RCA cable
  • 10G SFP+ Direct Attach Cable

Vicon Markerless system cables


Vicon software downloadSoftware for Vicon Markerless systems


Vicon Active Wand for system calibrationVicon Active Wand in Wands and other Vicon hardware

If your particular application requires a more complex configuration, contact Vicon Support.

Vicon Markerless system motion capture cameras

Vicon offers a wide choice of motion capture cameras which feature multiple high-speed processors that perform real-time image processing.

You can include the following cameras in your Vicon Markerless system:

  • Vicon Vanguard cameras
  • If your Vicon Markerless system is to track props, it must include current Vicon optical cameras (Valkyrie, Vero, and/or Viper) cameras.

For further details of Vanguard cameras, see Vicon Vanguard cameras and Vicon Vanguard technical specifications.

Vicon IR lights

For good tracking, the markerless tracking performed by the Vanguard cameras requires adequate, even IR illumination.

Vicon IR lights provide this illumination. For even illumination, we recommend that Vicon Markerless systems use 8 x IR lights.

Number of lights
We recommend that, whatever the size of your capture area, to ensure even illumination, you use 8 lights.
For 30–90 Hz tracking, reduce the brightness of the lights to 45%; for rates 90–120 Hz, use the maximum brightness of 90% and increase the shutter duration.

For more information about the Vicon Iights, see the Vicon IR Lights Quick Start Guide and for information on how to change the brightness of the lights, see Set the brightness of the Vicon IR lights in Getting started with your Vicon Markerless system.

IR Light (850nm)
EN62471 Risk Group 0 (Exempt). This product emits infrared light. Do not stare directly at the source when in operation.

Vicon Markerless switches

Each Vanguard camera connects to a PoE+ port of a PoE+ switch (via Cat 6 Ethernet cable). Also note that:

  • Each Vanguard camera must connect to a PoE port conforming to IEEE 802.3af-2003 (15.4W) minimum standard, enabling it to draw 8 W when connected.
  • Lock units can connect to the same type of PoE port as the Vanguard cameras. This connectivity through Vicon-supplied cables carries both Gigabit communications and power.
  • A PoE or PoE+ switch, which may be obtained from Vicon, connects to the host PC running the Vanguard software that enables you to capture and analyze your data. Note that no power is required on this particular port of the switch.

The number and type of switches required depends on the number of cameras to be supported. For more information, see Build a Vicon Markerless system.

Vicon Lock for synchronization

A Vicon Markerless system requires a sync source device that provides synchronization to the system, which is provided by a Vicon Lock.

The Vicon Lock in your Vicon Markerless system also enables you to include the following third-party devices:

  • Devices that require synchronization at a frequency that is related to the motion capture frame rate and/or a device that needs to know when a capture occurs
  • Devices that need to start and stop the capture event, (Remote Start and Stop)
  • Analog Standard Definition (SD), High Definition (HD) and (with Vicon Lock Studio) 3G SDI broadcast digital video devices to which the Vicon Markerless system must synchronize
  • Analog broadcast timecode devices for triggering capture and time-stamping captured data in accordance with LTC and VITC standards
  • VESA Stereo devices to which the Vicon Markerless system must synchronize

For more information, see Set up a basic Vicon Markerless system.

For a list of currently tested and supported third-party devices, contact Vicon Support or your nearest agent or distributor. 

For more information on the role of a Vicon Lock unit in Vicon systems, see Vicon Lock connectivity units in the Vicon Systems Setup Guide, or the relevant Vicon Lock guide (available in the Setup and Connectivity documentation).

Vicon Markerless host PC

The Vicon Markerless host PC runs the Vicon motion capture software that analyzes and presents the data captured by the Vanguard cameras.

Current Vicon Markerless computers contain dual 10-Gigabit SFP+ ports to enable the Markerless system to communicate with the installed Vicon application software. The camera switch is connected to the PC using SFP+ connections. Separate IP addresses are set for the main network card and the Vanguard cameras. For more information, see Set up the Vicon Markerless software.

The Vicon software that is to be used with a Vicon Markerless system is installed on this Vicon Markerless host PC. For further details of Vicon computers, visit the PC specifications page on the Vicon website or see the Vicon Systems Setup Guide.

Remote PCs may be used for other Vicon software or supported third-party applications.

Vicon Markerless cables

A combination of proprietary Vicon and commercially available cables is used to connect hardware devices in a Vicon Markerless system.

To connect Vanguard cameras to a switch, use a single Vicon-supplied RJ45 connection for Cat 6 cable, carrying power and data and conforming to IEEE 802.3af-2003 (15.4W) standard.

If you intend to track props, your Markerless system must also include 6–10 current Vicon optical cameras. Connect these to the switch using the appropriate Ethernet cable (eg, Cat 6 for Valkyrie or Cat 5 with a ferrite for Vero).

To connect Vicon IR lights, use:

  • Vicon-supplied Cat 5 (or better) RJ45 Ethernet cable to connect to the power supply (via PoE++ injectors), and
  • RCA cable to connect to the GPO ports on the Vicon Lock

For more information on setting up Vicon IR lights, see the Vicon IR Lights Quick Start Guide.

Where Ethernet cable is required to connect cameras, we recommend that you use only Vicon-supplied cable. For details of the cables supplied with your Vicon Markerless system, see the bill of materials accompanying your product shipment. If any cables are missing on receipt, or if you require additional cables later, please contact Vicon or your nearest agent or distributor.
Vicon Motion Systems Ltd is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using cables other than the recommended cables and connectors.

Vicon Active Wand

A Vicon Active Wand, which is a proprietary reference device, is used to calibrate Vicon Markerless systems.

For further information, see the documentation for your Vicon Active Wand on the Vicon documentation website.

Software for Vicon Markerless systems

The Vicon software that is used with a Vicon Markerless system, including Vicon Vanguard cameras, is Vicon Shogun Markerless 1.15 or later.

Vicon Shogun Markerless is installed on the host PC. For further details about the software, see the Help menu in your Vicon application software and the relevant documentation.