Install and configure Vicon Shogun Markerless
Install and configure Vicon Shogun Markerless
To finish setting up your Vicon Markerless hardware, install and configure Shogun Markerless as described in the following topics.
Install Vicon Shogun Markerless
- Download the installer for Vicon Shogun Markerless from the Vicon website.
The installer also includes Vicon Shogun Post, which can be used for data cleanup. Run the relevant Setup.exe.
Click the Windows Start button then All > Vicon > Vicon Product Licensing.
Request a license, save it to a suitable location and activate it.
- For details about installing and licensing, see Installing and licensing Vicon Shogun Markerless.
Start Vicon Shogun Markerless and begin setup
Ensure you do not run any other Vicon software while using Shogun Markerless.
Start Vicon Shogun Markerless and ensure that it is not blocked by a firewall.
- If your Vicon Markerless system includes optical cameras:
- In the System panel, ensure all the optical cameras are selected.
In the Optical Setup section below, change Grayscale Mode to All.
- In the Workspace, change the view pane to Cameras view.
You can now check the aperture for each camera.
Position the cameras
Aim a camera so that it points where required, usually the center of the capture volume.
Repeat the process for each camera.
, multiple selections available,