Vicon IMU node

Vicon IMU node


Blue Trident sensors
  • Windows 10 and later only is supported. Ensure the latest Windows 10 updates are installed.
  • The firmware for Blue Trident sensors that are to be used with Nexus 2.10 or later must be updated to version 9.0.2 or later, using Capture.U Desktop 1.1 or later, which is available from the Capture.U page on the Vicon website.
  • Second-generation Blue Trident sensors are supplied with Firmware 10 – do not downgrade their firmware. If you have first-generation Blue Trident sensors, you can safely downgrade their firmware, if necessary. However, as Capture.U 1.3.1 Desktop is not compatible with firmware earlier than 10.#, if you downgrade the firmware from version 10, you must uninstall Capture.U 1.3.1 and use an earlier version of Capture.U.

Blue Thunder sensors
  • Blue Thunder IMU sensors are not supported in Nexus 2.10 or later. If you want to capture Blue Thunder data, use Nexus 2.9.x.
  • You can load existing processed trials with Blue Thunder data into Nexus 2.10 or later and view the captured IMU data.
  • The IMeasureU plug-in is not available in Nexus 2.10 or later.

You can configure the following settings in the Properties pane for a Vicon IMU device.

For information on setting up and using IMUs with Nexus, see Configure Vicon IMUs and Work with Vicon IMUs in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.

General section

Property Description
Name When the IMU is first connected, the name defaults to the Bluetooth® Name of the IMU. If required, you can change this name.
Delay Compensation Delay compensation value in seconds.
Default: 0
Enabled When selected, data capture is enabled for this sensor.
Default: Selected
Bluetooth Name Bluetooth name of the device, derived from the Assembly Serial Number.
Bluetooth Address The unique 48-bit Bluetooth Device Address
Output Preset Choose from a list of preset output channels, which are displayed as axes on the graph. For information on customizing the outputs by selecting or clearing individual axes, see Deactivate an axis in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
Record Output If selected, the IMU records data to its internal storage.
Default: Selected
Assembly Serial Number Unique identifier for the sensor (eg, TS-00180), which is found on the back of the sensor.
Board Serial Number The sensor's board serial number
Hardware Revision Sensor hardware revision number
Firmware Revision Firmware version of the connected sensor
Battery Level The percentage of battery life (charge) remaining of the connected sensor
Storage Used Thepercentage of storage used on the sensor
Record Rate The sample rate of recorded sensor data (Hz). The sample rate depends on the selected outputs. For rates above 225 Hz, deactivate Global Angle output.
Default: 225 Hz
Stream Rate The sample rate of preview (streaming) data for the sensor (Hz).
Default: 50 Hz

Status section

Property Description
Connected Indicates whether the sensor is connected.

Orientation section

World X, Y and Z angle axis components (degrees) and local X, Y and Z angle axis components (degrees).

X, Y and Z are the world transformation. If the volume origin orientation is changed, they must be recalculated (using Align to World and Copy).

X2, Y2 and Z2 are the local transformation. They must be recalculated using Align to Segment every time the sensors are attached.

For more information, see Align IMU data to the Vicon world in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.

Radio Sync section

Property Description
Prefer Radio Sync When selected, radio sync (via a Vicon Beacon) is used to synchronize your IMU sensor data to your Vicon system.
Default: Selected
Radio Sync Device Indicates whether or not a radio sync source (Vicon Beacon) is available.

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