Export a Nexus Insight report
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  • Export a Nexus Insight report

    Nexus Insight enables you to export reports to Microsoft Word and Moveshelf formats and to export the settings of the current report as a JSON file, enabling you to create a customized template. The settings that are exported include categories (such as kinematics), variables (such as knee angles) and their specific components (such as, flexion-extension), as well as line widths and colors.

    To export a report:

    1. In Nexus Insight, open the required report and click Export.

    2. In the Export dialog, select the required format and click Export.

    3. Depending on your chosen format, save the file as follows:

      • Word: The Save As dialog is displayed, where you can select a folder and filename for the exported file. The export includes all numeric data, using the structure from the report template.

      • Moveshelf: If you belong to an organization that has access to Moveshelf, you can export the report to Moveshelf to facilitate remote data-sharing. For more information on configuration, contact Moveshelf Support.

      • Report template (JSON): Exports the current report’s settings as a template (JSON file). You can save the template to a new name and edit the file as required (see Create a Nexus Insight report template).
        Tip: Always save your template into the default folder:

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