Select the Nexus Insight working directory
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  • Select the Nexus Insight working directory

    The first step in working with Nexus Insight is to display the working directory, which is the hierarchy of folders that contains the Nexus data that you want to work with. This directory may correspond to either the database, patient classification, subject, or session level within your Database Management (ProEclipse) structure in Nexus (see Prepare a data storage location in the Vicon Nexus User Guide).

    To display the working directory:

    1. In Nexus Insight, if the directory of files that you want to use is not already displayed, click Open Vicon directory to open the Select Folder dialog, which enables you to navigate to the required folders.
      We recommend that you display a full directory hierarchy, so select the folder that is highest up in the hierarchy. This makes it easy to switch between subjects or sessions.

    2. Expand the subfolders until you see the trials you want to work with.

      Tip: To return to this directory at any point, click HOME at the top of the Nexus Insight window.

    Nexus Insight saves reports within this displayed directory only: you cannot save reports to other locations without first changing the Vicon directory.

    Nexus Insight searches for trials within the Vicon directory hierarchy, using the presence of a C3D file to detect whether a trial exists. If Nexus Insight does not find a C3D file or ENF file within your chosen directory, it does not display any trials.

    Nexus Insight searches for shared file names to determine which files belong to the same trial, including other files that Nexus Insight uses to display a report, such as MP4 and XCP files. To enable Nexus Insight to find all the files that belong to your trial, make sure that they all have the same name (for example, Walk01.c3d, Walk01.system, Walk01.x1d, Walk01.x2d, Walk01.xcp, etc), including any MP4 and XCP files. Nexus Insight can also detect the presence of a trial using an ENF file (for example, for video-only trials) but using ENF files is optional.

    Throughout Nexus Insight, symbols indicate the types of data available for a trial:

    trajectoryData.png 3D trajectory data

    videoData.png Video data

    forceOverlay.png Force overlay



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