Compare data with Nexus Insight

Compare data with Nexus Insight

Nexus Insight enables you to compare data from multiple sessions or subjects, for example, by tracking progress over time or identifying differences between groups.

When you open or finish creating a report, you are presented with a choice of report type.

Choose one of these options:

  • Condition summary (default): Visualize the data of all event cycles present in each trial included in the report.

  • Comparison: Visualize the mean and standard deviation of each condition overlaid in the graphs.

New reports are condition summaries by default but you can change the report type after you create the report if required.

You can only set the report type to Comparison for reports that have a template with cycle-based graphs, as comparisons must include trials that contain cycle events (see Ensure spatiotemporal parameters are defined).

To compare data:

  1. In Nexus Insight, open or create a report with trials that contain cycle events.

  2. Under Report Type, select Comparison.

  3. Click Edit conditions.

  4. Change the name from Default to names that help to identify the condition for each of the trials (such as Walking and Reverse direction, etc) and click Save.

  5. To compare the data, expand the sections on the right.

    Tip: In the Spatiotemporal parameters section, you can identify which condition applies to each value by hovering over the relevant value. (Note that in the following image, two tooltips are shown for illustrative purposes only – Nexus Insight displays one tooltip at a time.)

For a better view of the graphs, hover the mouse over the relevant graph and enlarge , split the view (see Configure Nexus Insight layouts) or, to resize the Y-axis to fit the data, click the Scale Y-axis control .

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