Configure Nexus Insight layouts
  • Ready for review
  • Configure Nexus Insight layouts

    When viewing a report, you can choose to visualize the data in a split layout. Working in a split layout enables you to view up to four selected graphs, videos, or a 3D player in detail, in full screen.

    For information on how to create and save split layouts, see the following topics:

    Split a layout

    To split a layout into multiple views:

    1. Open the report that you want to display in a split layout.

    2. Within the report, display any 3D visualizations or videos that you want to appear in your layout.
      To do this, click the name of the relevant trial.

      The 3D view and/or video is displayed in the lower left of the Nexus Insight window. You can click the relevant arrow to expand or collapse the view

      In the same way, you can expand or collapse the information and graphs that are displayed on the right.

    3. To rearrange the views into a split layout, you can select up to two graphs, videos, or a 3D player for each side of the screen.
      To do this, hover over the required view and click one of the small arrows that are displayed in the top left corner.

    4. To display the view on the left side of the screen, click the left arrow or to display it on the right, click the right arrow.

      The selected arrow turns red to indicate the chosen location of the view.

      To de-select a graph, video or 3D view, click the red arrow again.
      The type, quantity and sequence of selected items determine the size and location of the items in the split layout.

    5. Select at least one other graph, video or 3D view by hovering over the required view and selecting the other arrow.

      You can select up to four views in the same way.

    6. Display your selection in a split layout by clicking the Open split screen icon in one of the selected views.


      • If you've displayed a video, you can skip to the next one in this trial by clicking the Skip to next icon at the top left corner of the video in split view.

      • If you've displayed a graph, you can switch between different graphs by selecting from the dropdown menu above each graph in split view.

    7. To close the split screen layout and return to the report, click the Minimize button at the top right of the window .

    Save split layouts

    Layouts are saved to the report in which they were created only. You cannot save layouts to a template.

    To save one or more split layouts:

    1. Open the relevant report and make sure the required layout is displayed.

    2. At the top right of the window, click Save layout.

    3. In the Save layout dialog box, enter a name for the layout.
      Whenever you open the report, the names of the saved layouts are displayed in the Layout shortcuts list on the left of the window.

    When you try to open a layout shortcut that you created before you edited the relevant report, Nexus Insight may display a warning about not being able to open the layout shortcut. For information, see Understand Nexus Insight warning messages.

    Select or delete split layouts

    To select or delete split layouts:

    1. Open the relevant report.

    2. In the Layout shortcuts list on the left of the window, select or delete the required saved layout(s).


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