Work with hyperlinks in Polygon reports

Work with hyperlinks in Polygon reports

Creating hyperlinks in your Polygon report enables you to display trial data in a specific configuration with a click of a button. When data is open in the Report Workspace, you can insert a hyperlink to the data in the Text pane. You can create links to Graph, 3D Workspace, Movie, and/or Multimedia panes in Polygon. Clicking the link remembers all characteristics of the panes when the hyperlink was created.

For 3D Workspace panes, the hyperlink also remembers whether a trial is playing or not in 3D Workspace panes.

You can create two types of hyperlinks, a local hyperlink and a global hyperlink.

See also Edit a hyperlink.

Create a local hyperlink

You use a local hyperlink to link to a single view in your report (Graph, 3D Workspace, Movie, or Multimedia pane). Clicking the link remembers all characteristics of the selected pane when the hyperlink was created. For 3D Workspace panes, the hyperlink also remembers whether a trial is playing or not in 3D Workspace panes.

To create a local hyperlink:

  1. In the Report Workspace, open a pane and ensure that its characteristics are set as desired.
  2. Ensure that the focus is on the pane you want to link to.
  3. To create the link, use one of the following methods:
    • In the Graph, 3D Workspace, Movie, or Multimedia pane, right-click and select Create Hyperlink.
    • On the ribbon, click the Local Link button. This button is accessible from the Report, Graph, 3D Workspace, Movie, and Multimedia tabs.
      For 3D Workspace links:
      To remember the camera perspective only (not data), from the Local Link submenu, select Camera Viewpoint Link.
  4. In the New Hyperlink dialog box, enter text for the link. This is the hyperlink text that will be displayed in the Text pane.
  5. Click OK.
    The link is added to the Text pane as blue and underlined text.

Create a global hyperlink

Use a global hyperlink to link to a configuration of views of the same or different types (eg, one Graph pane and one 3D Workspace pane). The relative sizes and positions of the views are preserved, as are the specific trial data of each pane. The data, camera perspective (zooming, rotation), and mesh (for 3D Workspace) are also saved. For 3D Workspace views, the hyperlink remembers whether a trial is playing or not.

When a global link is clicked, any existing views are closed and the pane configuration associated with the link is displayed. If the available size has changed (for example, because the screen resolution has changed or the Data Bar has been resized), the link displays the sizes of the views so that they are proportionally the same as they were when the link was created.

To create a global hyperlink:

  1. Open the Graph, 3D Workspace, Movie, and/or Multimedia panes that you want to link to and ensure that their sizes and positions are set as desired.
  2. In the Text pane, do one of the following:
    • Highlight the text that you want to be the active link.
    • Insert the cursor in the desired location. The cursor must be outside of an existing hyperlink in order to create a new link.
  3. From the Ribbon, click Global Link. This button is accessible from the Report, Graph, 3D Workspace, Movie, and Multimedia tabs.
  4. In the New Hyperlink dialog box, type the name of the link. This is the hyperlink text that will be displayed in the report.
  5. Click OK.
    The link is added to the Text pane as blue and underlined text.

Edit a hyperlink

Because data, camera perspective, and meshes are saved with hyperlinks, if any of these variables change, you'll need to replace the hyperlink. The following information also covers standard editing of the hyperlink and other right-click options.

After changes to a view have been made, right-click the hyperlink in the Text pane and select Replace Link. The link is updated with the new data.

In the Text pane, right-click the hyperlink and select Delete.
The text and the link are removed.

  1. In the Text pane, right-click the hyperlink and select Copy.
  2. Place the cursor where you want it in the report (or open a new report without closing Polygon).
  3. Right-click and select Paste.

Display hyperlink properties

  1. In the Text pane, right-click the hyperlink and select Properties.
    A small box opens displaying information.
  2. To close the properties dialog box, click away from the box.

In the Text pane, right-click the hyperlink and select Link Sets Time.

Set 3D Workspace link options

To save a static link at the current frame:

In the Text pane, right-click the link and select Link Sets Time.
If cleared, the first frame of data or the first event will be used.

To save whether the link is playing:

In the Text pane, right-click the link and select Link Sets Time.
If cleared, the link will be static.

Set export options

For information, see Export from Polygon.

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