Display video data

Display video data

Polygon enables you to play movie files that are either imported as part of trial data or imported separately as multimedia files. You can also create a video-3D overlay view that combines the video view of a calibrated video source with your 3D Workspace.

Movie view

The Movie pane enables you to play .AVI and .MPG movie files within Polygon reports.

Movies that are imported as part of trial data open in the Movie pane. These movie files are added to the upper panel of the Data Bar in a Movies node inside the trial node.

To view the files, select the Movies node.
Movie files are listed in the lower panel of the Data Bar.

Movies that are imported separately are imported as multimedia files.

Movies are primarily controlled from the Time Bar. From here you can start, stop, pause, change the speed and move the current position of the movie.

Video 3D overlay view

Polygon has that ability to create a Video-3D overlay view, which combines the video view from a calibrated video source with your 3D workspace.

This action is only possible if the video that is imported as part of your trial data was calibrated during data collection in Vicon Nexus.

Create an overlay

  1. Import a trial (C3D) that contains a calibrated video source.
  2. In the Data Bar, click on the Display Set node.
  3. In the lower menu double-click Bones.
    A 3D Workspace pane that contains your subject is displayed.
  4. In the Data Bar, click the Movies node.
    All available video sources for the current trial are displayed in the Data Bar lower panel.
  5. Right-click the Video file and select Show Object.

To enter Overlay mode:

  1. In the Workspace, locate the camera object.
  2. To enter 3D Overlay mode, double-click the camera.

To exit Overlay mode, press the ESC key.

Practice displaying video data

Part 1

  1. Open a .mpg or .avi window. Create a link.
  2. Open a non-synchronized .mpg or .avi. Create a link.
  3. Open a .jpg, create a link
  4. Open a .gif. Create a link.
  5. Open an HTML document or link to a web page on the internet. Create a link
  6. Save your report.

Part 2

  1. Import a PowerPoint presentation (PPT or PPTX file). Create a link.
  2. Import a Word document. Create a link.
  3. Import an Excel spreadsheet. Create a link.

Part 3

  1. Display video in the 3D Workspace.
  2. Display the Bones in the 3D Workspace. Create a link.
  3. Save the report.

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