Get to know Polygon 4

Get to know Polygon 4

The Polygon user interface and tool ribbons make it easy to review and edit your data in 3D, as a graph or a table. Depending on the data type you use, the correct pane automatically appears, enabling you to use point-and-click interaction to change the appearance of the data at any point. Create a hyperlink to save your layout, which can then be restored on screen at any time.

As the industry standard for presenting kinematic, kinetic and other types of graphs, Polygon offers versatile visualization tools and options that make building a report easy to understand.

Introducing the Polygon user interface

The key areas of the Polygon window are the Ribbon, Data Bar, Report Workspace, Time Bar, and Attributes panel.

For more information, see:

Polygon button

The Polygon button ,  located in the upper-left corner of the Polygon window, provides access to the basic commands. The commands are:

  • New: Create a new report.
  • Open: Open a report.
  • Save: Save the report.
  • Save As: Save the report as a different name or in a different location.
  • Export: Export the report in different formats.
  • Close: Close the report.
  • Search box: Enter the name of a report or Polygon menu item to search for.
  • Recent Documents: Lists reports that were recently opened. Click a report name re-open a report.
  • Options: Opens the Preferences dialog box, where you can change system settings, set defaults for the 3D Workspace, Text, and Graph panes, and select averaging settings.

Quick access bar

The small toolbar above the ribbon allows you to perform common tasks with one or two clicks.

The tasks you can perform from the quick access bar are:

  • Create new report or new template
  • Open report
  • Save report
  • Export to PDF
  • Export to Word
  • Start a slide presentation
  • Show/Hide toolbars
  • Undo/Redo last action in the Text pane

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