Polygon ribbons
The ribbons enable you to access Polygon commands that are relevant to the current stage of the report workflow.
Home ribbon
The Home ribbon provides options for working with report data.
Ribbon option | Description | |
Data Management | ||
Data Management | Opens the Data Manager. |
Template Rules | Opens the Automatic Template Rules Setup dialog box |
Documents | ||
New Report | Creates a blank report or a new template. |
Open | Opens a new report. |
Save | Save the currently open report. |
Save As | Save the currently open report with a different name. |
Import | ||
Import File | Imports a file into the report. |
Import Video | Imports a video into the report. |
Import Web Page | Imports a web page into the report. |
Export | ||
Export Report | Exports the report as an uncompressed or compressed file. |
Export Web | Exports the report as a web page. |
Export PDF | Exports the report as a PDF file. |
Export Word | Exports the report as a Word document. |
Report ribbon
The Report ribbon provides options for working with the Text pane.
Ribbon Option | Description | |
Slide | ||
Create Slide | Creates a slide to use in Presentation mode. |
Hyperlinks | ||
Global Link | Saves the entire screen (all panes) as you have configured it. |
Local Link | Saves the currently selected pane. |
Back | Steps back through the hyperlinks you have selected. |
Forward | Steps forward through the hyperlinks you have selected. |
Report Link | Lets you create a hyperlink to a different report. |
Text Link | Lets you create a hyperlink to another Text pane. |
Text Files |
New Text Pane | Creates a new Text pane. |
Text Options | Separate RTF File. Saves the open Text pane as an RTF file, which can be opened outside of Polygon. Save Text with Link. Saves the open Text pane within a Polygon report file (DAT), which can only be viewed within a Polygon report. |
Clipboard | ||
Paste | Pastes the copied/cut text from the Clipboard. |
Cut | Cuts selected text. |
Copy | Copies selected to the Clipboard. |
Delete | Deletes selected text. |
Font | Change the font type, size, weight, color, and Text pane background. | |
Paragraph | Change text alignment, indents, line spacing, and add bulleted and numbered lists. | |
Editing | ||
Find | Displays the Find dialog box in the Text pane. |
Replace | Displays the Replace dialog box in the Text pane. |
Select All | Selects all in the Text pane. |
Data Views |
Save All Panes | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save all panes that are currently displayed. |
Save Pane | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save the pane that currently has focus. |
Data ribbon
The Data ribbon provides options for working with objects and data in the Data Bar and Report Workspace.
Ribbon Option | Description | |
Slide | ||
Create Slide | Creates a slide to use in Presentation mode. |
Hyperlinks | ||
Global Link | Saves the entire screen (all panes) as you have set it up. |
Local Link | Saves the currently selected pane. |
Back | Steps back through the hyperlinks you have selected. |
Forward | Steps forward through the hyperlinks you have selected. |
Trials | ||
Refresh trial | Reloads the trial you have selected. |
Refresh All Trials | Reloads all your trials. |
Statistics |
All Trial Average | Displays the average dialog box to average multiple trials together. |
Within Trial Average | Averages multiple gait cycles in one trial together. |
Musculoskeletal Modeling | ||
Load Subject Model | Loads a specified musculoskeletal model onto the subject you have selected. |
Save As | Saves any changes you have made to the musculoskeletal model. |
Add Muscle | Lets you manually enter a muscle into your model. |
Add Wrap Object | Lets you manually enter a wrap object into your model. |
Data Stream | ||
Connect | Connects Polygon to the real-time data stream. |
Address | The IP address that the real-time stream is connected to. |
Export Data |
Export Data | Exports the data selected into a PXD file that can be imported into another Polygon report. |
Export Excel | Exports the data into an excel spreadsheet. |
Data Views |
Open View | Open a data view. |
Manage Views | Reorder, rename, or delete views. |
Save All Panes | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save all panes that are currently displayed. |
Save Pane | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save the pane that currently has focus. |
Presentation ribbon
The Presentation ribbon provides options for working with presentations.
Ribbon Option | Description | |
Slide | ||
Create Slide | Creates a slide that will be used in Presentation mode. |
Organize Slides | Displays the Edit dialog box where you can move, insert, delete, or jump to slides. |
Presentation | ||
Start | Start the presentation. |
Back | Steps back through the slides you have created. |
Forward | Steps forward through the slides you have created. |
Jump To | Displays the Edit dialog box where you can jump to a specific slide in the presentation. |
PowerPoint | Launches PowerPoint and plays imported PowerPoint files (PPT and PPTX files). |
Graph ribbon
The Graph ribbon provides options for working with data in the Graph pane.
Ribbon Option | Description | |
Slide | ||
Create Slide | Creates a slide that will be used in Presentation mode. |
Hyperlinks | ||
Global Link | Saves the entire screen (all panes) as you have configured it. |
Local Link | Saves the currently selected pane. |
Back | Steps back through the hyperlinks you have clicked. |
Forward | Steps forward through the hyperlinks you have clicked. |
Clipboard | ||
Copy | Copies the selection to the clipboard (to scale a copied image, click the down arrow and drag the slider). In Word, to paste a graph as numerical data, press CTRL+V. To paste a graph as an image, on the Home ribbon, from the Paste menu select Paste Special. Then select Picture (Enhanced Metafile). |
Copy ASCII | Copies the selection as an ASCII file to the clipboard. |
View |
Thumbnails | Toggles between the thumbnail view of the graphs and the individual view of the graph, and set thumbnail layout options. |
Normalized | Toggles between normalized graph and time graph. |
Labels | ||
Numeric | Places an X / Y value marker of the graph that will follow the Time Bar. |
Text | Places a text box on the graph. |
Key | Places the name of the trace on the graph. |
Traces | ||
Remove | Deletes the trace you select from the graph. |
Group Edit | Lets you edit a selected trace or group of traces. Advanced Group Edit. Opens the Trace Appearance dialog box, where you can change the formatting (color, thickness, etc) of the selected traces. |
Average Traces | Average Traces shows the average for that trial on the graph. |
Phase Plot | Phase Plot creates a phase plot of two traces. |
Select All | Selects all the traces in the graph. |
Expand | Shows the entire trace on the graph. |
Default Cycle | Lets you choose kinematic cycles, kinetic cycles, or default cycles. The default cycle shows a kinematic cycle for kinematic graphs and a kinetic cycle for a kinetic graph. |
Ranges |
New Range | Lets you create either an event range or an absolute range that can be displayed on the graph's X-axis. |
Edit Ranges | Lets you make changes to the ranges you have already selected. |
Preferences | ||
Normalization Schemes | Opens the Normalization Properties dialog box, where you can edit Normalization Schemes |
Variable Ranges | Lets you edit the default settings that appear with each graph. |
Default Parameters | Lets you choose the gait parameters that will be automatically calculated when you bring a trial into your report. |
Data Tags | ||
Frame | Adds a Data Tag of the point you select on the graph displaying the X / Y values of that trace. |
Value Range | Adds a Data Tag of the vertical difference between two selected points. |
Time Range | Adds a Data Tag of the time difference between two selected points. |
Slope | Adds a Data Tag of the slope of the trace at a selected point. |
Data Views | ||
Save All Panes | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save all panes that are currently displayed. |
Save Pane | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save the pane that currently has focus. |
3D ribbon
The 3D ribbon allows you to manage and manipulate data in the 3D Workspace.
Ribbon Option | Description | |
Slide | ||
Create Slide | Creates a slide to use in Presentation mode. |
Hyperlinks | ||
Global Link | Saves the entire screen (all panes) as you have set it up. |
Local Link | Saves the currently selected pane. |
Back | Steps back through the hyperlinks you have selected. |
Forward | Steps forward through the hyperlinks you have selected. |
Clipboard | ||
Copy | Copies the image to the Clipboard. |
Subjects | ||
Move Subject | Lets you move the subject in the X, Y, or Z position of the 3D volume. Double-clicking a segment lets you rotate the subject around the Z-axis. |
Camera |
Export AVI | Exports a video of the 3D Workspace as you have it configured. |
Follow | When an object is selected (Marker, Segment, Stick), the Follow option can be activated to cause the Workspace camera perspective to follow the path of the selected object. |
Track | Attaches a camera to the selected segment and tracks the segment's moves by changing the orientation and position of the camera. The selected segment will be stationary as the other segments around it move. |
Editing | ||
Remove | Remove will remove the selected object. |
Create a Virtual Point | Creating a Virtual Point creates a virtual point at a selected percent away from two or more markers along a primary and secondary axis. |
Create Stick | Create Stick creates a stick between two selected markers. |
Create Plane | Create Plane creates a plane between three selected markers. |
Tags | ||
Arrow Tag | Adds an arrow tag to the selection. |
Crosshair Tag | Adds a crosshair tag to the selection. |
Outline Tag | Adds an outline tag to the selection. |
Graphs | ||
XYZ Components | Creates a graph of the X, Y, and Z positions of each selected marker. |
Distance from Origin | Creates a graph of the distance from the origin for a selected marker. |
Distance Between | Creates a graph of the distance between two points. |
Angle Between | Creates a graph of the angle between either three markers or two sticks. |
Projected Angle | When three markers are selected, creates a graph of the projected angle between the three points (XYZ) across time. |
Moment | Creates a moment graph. |
Meshes | ||
Adjust Mesh | Use tools to Translate, Scale, or Rotate a selected mesh segment. |
Save As | Saves your changes on the mesh to a new file. |
Data Views | ||
Save All Panes | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save all panes that are currently displayed. |
Save Pane | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save the pane that currently has focus. |
Movie ribbon
The Movie ribbon provides options for working with movies.
Ribbon Option | Description | |
Slide | ||
Create Slide | Creates a slide to use in Presentation mode. |
Hyperlinks | ||
Global Link | Saves the entire screen (all panes) as you have set it up. |
Local Link | Saves the currently selected pane. |
Back | Steps back through the selected hyperlinks. |
Forward | Steps forward through the selected hyperlinks. |
Clipboard | ||
Copy | Copies selected to the Clipboard. |
Data Views |
Save All Panes | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save all panes that are currently displayed. |
Save Pane | Opens the View Options dialog box, where you can save the pane that currently has focus. |