Enter and format report content

Enter and format report content

You enter and format content for your report and insert hyperlinks to your data in the text pane. In addition to the main text pane, you can create new additional text panes or pages for your report.

You can also create hyperlinks between text panes, enabling your users to easily navigate between the main page and other report pages.

In the Report workspace, you can create a second text pane, which is displayed alongside the first text pane. The second pane is read-only, but hyperlinks are functional. You can create hyperlinks between different text panes or to different sections of the same text pane. You can link to as many different text panes as needed.

You can enter text and create hyperlinks in the following ways:

Open a text pane

  1. In the Data Bar, click Text Files in the upper pane.
    Text files are displayed in the lower pane as RTF files (eg, Report.rtf).
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the text file in the lower pane.
    • Right-click the text file in the lower pane and from the menu, select Insert RTF File.
    The text pane opens in the Report workspace and replaces any text pane that was previously open.

Create a new text pane

  1. On the Report ribbon, click New Text Pane.
    A new text pane opens and is displayed in the Data Object pane (lower pane) of the Data Bar.
  2. Open the panes as needed.

Insert a read-only text pane

  1. In the upper panel of the Data Bar, click Text Files.
    Text files are displayed in the lower panel of the Data bar.
  2. Right-click the Text file that you want to insert as read only.
  3. From the context (right-click) menu, select Insert Read-Only.
    The pane is inserted next to the original pane in the Report Workspace.

Create a hyperlink to a different text pane

  1. Open the text pane you want to link to.
    If needed, create a new text pane.
  2. On the Report ribbon, click Text Link.
    The button remains active.
  3. Open the first (main) text pane.
  4. Enter and highlight the text you want as the hyperlink (eg, Go to Page 2) or highlight existing text.
  5. On the Report ribbon, click Text Link again.
  6. Choose the text for the link.
    The link is inserted.
  7. Test the link to make sure it works properly.

Create a hyperlink on the same text pane

Open the text pane for which you want to insert hyperlinks, then, depending on whether you want to use existing text to create hyperlinks, or to insert new text as hyperlinks, do one of the following:

To create hyperlinks from existing text:

  1. In the location you want to link to (for example, at the top of the page), highlight the text you want to link to.
  2. On the Report ribbon, click Text Link.
    The button changes color to indicate that it is active and you are prompted to confirm that you want to use the text as the position of the text to link to.
  3. Click Yes.
    The button remains active.
  4. Go to the location where you want to add a hyperlink (eg, the bottom of the page) and highlight the text that you want to be the hyperlink (eg Back To Top).
  5. On the Report ribbon, click Text Link again.
    The text changes into a hyperlink.
  6. Test the link to make sure it works as intended.


To create new hyperlinks:

  1. Click in the location you want to link to (for example, the top of the page), and click Text Link.
    The Text Link button changes color to indicate that it is active.
  2. In the same location, enter the text that you want to link to.
  3. With button still active, go to the location where you want to add a hyperlink (eg, the bottom of the page).
  4. Click Text Link again.
  5. When prompted, enter the required text (eg Back To Top).
    The hyperlink is inserted.
  6. Test the link to make sure it works as intended.

Practice formatting reports

  1. Format the main page of your report to include your organization's name and address. Use the text formatting features of Polygon to create a title that stands out.
  2. Create two additional text panes.
  3. Simultaneously display two text panes.

    (tick) Tip: One text pane must be read-only.

  4. Save the report.
  5. Use Microsoft Word to create a unique .rtf file. (For information on the import functions, see Import data into a report).

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