Display data in Graph format
Graph View displays the values of one or more selected items (such as the x, y, and z components of a marker trajectory) against each other or against time, or analog data from any supported force plates or EMG devices.
The type of data you want to view in graph format determines the process that is used to display the data. To display data as a graph, you can either double-click or right-click. When the graph is displayed, you can either view the data in tab view or thumbnails view as Time or Normalized data.
To observe graphical data, you need a processed (modeled) trial that includes model outputs.
For more information, see:
Display data with the double-click option
- To display the complete data set, expand the Data tree.
- If you want to view kinematic and kinetic data, expand the subject name, then Kinematic Data or Kinetic Data.
- Double-click the variable that you want to view.
By default this is displayed as a tab view.
The double-click option can only be applied to Kinetic Data, Kinematic Data and Analog Data.
Display data with the right-click option
- To display the complete data set, expand the Data tree.
- If you want to view kinematic and kinetic data, expand the subject name, then Kinematic Data or Kinetic Data.
- Right-click on the variable you want to view and select the required option:
- Analog Data: Graph All Variables or Enveloped Graph
- Force Plates: Components
- Trajectories: Components or Filtered
- Kinetic Data: Graph All Variables or Components
- Kinematic Data: Graph All Variables, Components or Filtered
Switch between graph views
The default Graph view is the tab view.
In tab view, each graph is displayed on a separate tab.
To switch between the graphs, select the tab at the top of each graph.
The thumbnails view provides an overview of all open graphs in one Graph Pane.
To switch between single view and thumbnails view:
Do one of the following:
- Double-click the current graph.
Or - Click the Thumbnails toggle button on the Graph ribbon.
Use the Key Stats pane
The Key Stats pane, located at the bottom of the Graph pane when a single graph is displayed, enables you to view automatically generated statistical data related to all traces present in the Graph Pane.
The Key Stats Table is also interactive and enables you to insert values found there into the Text pane and add Data Tags to the Graph pane.
To work with the Key Stats pane:
- To display the Key Stats pane, with a single graph displayed in the Graph pane, click the down arrow in the lower-left corner of the Graph pane.
- Click the arrow again to hide the pane.
- Minimize data by clicking the plus sign next to each line.
To Insert data in the Key Stats pane:
Use the right-click menu to do the following:
- Insert Text: Adds the selected field to the Text pane as text.
- Insert Table: Adds multiple selected fields to the Text pane as a table.
- Insert Difference: Adds the difference between two selected fields to the Text pane.
- Insert Average: Adds the average of the selected fields to the Text pane.
- Value Tag: Adds a Data Tag for the value of the selected field to the Graph pane.
- Time Tag: Adds a Data Tag for the time of the selected field to the Graph pane.
- Value Difference Tag: Adds a Data Tag for the difference between two selected fields to the Graph pane.
- Time Difference Tag: Adds the time for the difference between two selected fields to the Graph pane.
To multi-select fields:
- Left Click while holding down the CTRL key
Or - Click and drag to adjacent cells
Work with traces
Traces represent data and are scaled to the current rulers (unless you have overlaid graphs).
The color of the traces by default matches the color of the relevant context (ie, if the "left" context has the color red, any trace that is normalized using the left context will have default color red when it's being plotted). For example, if the trace has no context because it is averaged data, Polygon assigns a color from a list of colors.
To select a Trace:
- Place the cursor on a trace and click.
The trace appears thicker when selected.
To de-select one or more traces:
- Click again on the selected trace(s).
Or - Select another trace.
To select multiple traces:
- Hold down the CTRL key while clicking each trace.
Or - Hold down the ALT key and click and drag to sweep select multiple traces.
To change the attributes of a Trace:
- Double-click the trace or press F9.
The Attributes window opens.
Work with Data Tags
Use Data Tags to highlight or draw attention to important areas, traits, or characteristics of traces in the Graph pane.
You can change attributes and enter customized information for a point or points on a trace, including text, size, and location.
The Data Tag tools give you the flexibility to create Data Tags for specific graph requirements:
- Frame: Annotate a single frame on a trace.
- Value Range: Annotate the vertical (value) difference between two points on one trace or across two traces.
- Time Range: Annotate the horizontal (time) difference between two points on one trace or across two traces.
- Slope: Annotate the slope of a curve at a selected frame.
Data tags are only displayed in the Single (Tab) graph pane – they are not displayed in Thumbnails layout.
Use Group Edit to format traces
Group Edit enables you to change the color and line style of specific traces.
- Advanced Group Edit: Opens the Trace Appearance dialog box, where you can change the color and pen style of the traces, specify the traces to change and apply the changes to all those specified. To change the color and/or line style, select the appropriate check box and enter the relevant value:
- Folder name: Enter a folder name as displayed in the Data Bar (for example, Walking1.c3d)
- Description: Enter a description as displayed in parentheses in the Data Bar (for example, File 1)
- Context: Enter Left or Right
- Folder name (Left): Enables you to apply the specified changes to color and/or line style to the folder_name (Left) traces.
- Folder name (Right): Enables you to apply the specified changes to color and/or line style to the folder_name (Right) traces.
For both of the above options, you can select any color, or specify a normalization scheme for coloring. You can also specify a line style for both coloring schemes. This type of group edit changes the color and line style of any graph trace visualized from this trial, with this context (not just those currently visible – other hyperlinks and graph panes are also affected), as long as the trace has its Context Appearance property set to True (the default). - Left traces: Enables you to apply the specified changes to color and/or line style to the left traces.
- Right traces: Enables you to apply the specified changes to color and/or line style to the right traces.
For both of the above options, you can select any color, or specify a normalization scheme for coloring. You can also specify a line style for both coloring schemes. This type of group edit changes the color and line style of any graph trace visualized from this trial, with this context (not just those currently visible – other hyperlinks and graph panes are also affected), as long as the trace has its Context Appearance property set to True (the default).
Practice displaying data as a graph
Part 1
- Display a graph using both options available:
- Double-click
- Right-click
- Create a local hyperlink to the graph display.
- Change the size of the graph pane and create a global hyperlink.
- Repeat Steps 1–3 until you are happy with the number of graphs you want to display.
- Create a text link to another text pane (see Enter and format report content).
- Create a link to a read-only pane.
- Use the hyperlink maintenance commands to customize the links (see Work with hyperlinks in Polygon reports).
- Create a second report.
- Create a hyperlink from your first report to the second report.
- Save the reports.
Part 2
- Open seven graphs, using the default and individual rotation options.
- Convert to Thumbnails view.
- Create global and/or local links.
- Change the layout of the thumbnails. Create a link.
- In Tab view, add data tags. Create a link.
- Use the Attributes Window to customize your graph.
- Display the Stats Pane and add tags from the pane to the graph. Create a link.
- Display the Stats Pane and add the table to the text pane.
- Save your report.
Part 3
- In the text pane, create a section called Individual Temporal Parameters. Display several individual temporal parameters.
- Now create a section called Tabled Temporal Parameters. Highlight the temporal parameters, either in sequence or individually, and use the context (right-click) menu to insert a table.
- Use a graph in Thumbnails view to display the temporal parameters.
Part 4
- Go to the Properties menu for the temporal parameters. Change at least one unit.
- Use the Re-generate command to make changes to your parameters.
- Adjust the position of some of the gait events in a context. Do the temporal parameters update?
- Now, denominate the manipulated cycle. Do the temporal parameters update?