Create a Polygon report

Create a Polygon report

You can create a new Polygon report as a blank report or as a report that is based on a template.

You can create a new blank report in the following ways:

See also Practice creating reports.

Create a report from Data Management (Eclipse)

  1. On the Home ribbon, click the Data Management button or press F2.
  2. Navigate to the folder in which you want to create the report.
  3. In Data Management, click the Create new Report button .

  4. Enter a name for the report.
  5. Double-click the report and when asked if you want to base the report on a template, click No.
    A blank report is created.
  6. In the Data Manager, double-click the trial you want to add to the report.
  7. Import data into the report (for how to do this, see Import data into a report).

Create a report from within Polygon

  1. On the Home ribbon, click the down arrow on the New Report button.
    From the Quick Access Bar above the ribbon, click the down arrow on the New button.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Blank.
  3. In the New Report dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the report.
  4. In the Report Name field, enter a name for the report. Then click OK.
  5. If you are creating the report in a new directory, click Yes to the prompt, Directory not found. Create?
    A blank report is created.

Create a report from a template

To create a report from a template, you need a Polygon template (.tpl file). Standard reports are installed with Vicon Polygon.

For information on importing data into a template, see Work with Polygon templates.

Use one of the above mentioned methods to create a blank report (when using the New button select template from the drop-down menu).

When asked if you want to base the report on a template click Yes.

In the window that opens, browse to the location of the template you want to use.

Practice creating reports

Start a report from scratch using either the Data Management window or from within Polygon.

Familiarize yourself with the Polygon layout.

Save the Report.

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