Import data into a report

Import data into a report

The Data Bar is empty until you import trial capture data (C3D files) that were processed in Vicon Nexus/Workstation. You can import data from either Data Management (Eclipse) or the Home ribbon.

You can import a variety of files into Polygon reports, including web pages, videos, and more. Most files become panes within Polygon for which you can create hyperlinks.

You can import these file formats:

  • Vicon (C3D) Polygon External Data (PXD)
  • VCM Report (GCD)
  • 3D Mesh (OBJ)
  • Marker Set (MKR)
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
  • Video (MPG, AVI)
  • PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX)
  • Web page
  • HTM

For more information, see:

Import data from Data Management (Eclipse)

  1. Open the report for which you want to import data or create a new report (see Create a Polygon report).
  2. On the Home ribbon, click the Data Management button or press F2.
  3. With Data Management still open, double-click on the trial name you want to add to the report.
    The trial is displayed in the Data Bar
  4. When you are finished, close Data Management.

Import data from the Home ribbon

From the Home ribbon, you can import data in the following ways:

Import file

  1. Open the report for which you want to import data or create a new report (see Create a Polygon report).
  2. On the Home ribbon, click Import File.
  3. In the Import File dialog box, browse to the location of the c3d file that you want to import.
  4. Double-click the c3d file (in the drop-down you can choose to filter the file types if required).
    The trial is displayed in the Data Bar.

Import video

  1. Open the report for which you want to import data or create a new report (see Create a Polygon report).
  2. On the Home ribbon, click Import Video.
  3. In the Import File dialog box, browse to the location of the .avi or .mpg file you want to import.
  4. Double-click the file.
    The video is displayed in the Data Bar.

Import web page

  1. On the ribbon, click the Home button.
  2. Click the Import Web Page button.
  3. In the window, enter the web page URL.
  4. Click OK.
    The web page opens in an HTML window in the Report Workspace.

To display web pages:

  1. In the upper panel of the Data Bar, click Multimedia Files.
  2. In the lower panel of the Data Bar, double-click the web page.

Practice importing data

  1. Import data into your report from Data Management.
  2. Import data using the Home Ribbon in the following ways:
    1. Import File
    2. Import Video
    3. Import Web page
    4. Import any other Multimedia Files as needed.
  3. Save the report.

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