Export from Polygon
Sharing and using data outside of Polygon is made simple by exporting your data in the following ways:
- Polygon report files Export in uncompressed or compressed format to share with others, using the Polygon viewer (exported by default with all reports).
- Web (HTML, MHT) Export data as a web page to play movie links and accessibility.
- PDF Export as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file for easy distribution and printing.
- Word Export as a Microsoft Word document to make edits to your report or share.
- Excel Export as a Microsoft Excel file to make further calculations to your data.
- AVI Export a 3D Workspace pane as an AVI file.
For more information, see:
Export a Polygon report
After you've created a report, you can export it to your hard disk in two ways, depending on your needs:
- Uncompressed files: Useful for copying report data onto a DVD or network drive.
- Compressed as a single file: Useful for emailing data.
For more information, see:
Export an uncompressed report
- On the Home ribbon, click the Export button.
- (Optional) To prevent edits to the report after being exported, select Protect Exported Report from the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) To name the report automatically based on any database field found, select Automatic Eclipse Name from the drop-down menu.
- In the Select field from dialog box, expand and select the appropriate database node and click OK.
- In the dialog box, browse to the folder where you want to export the data.
If the folder is not found, click OK to create a new one. - When the dialog box that indicates that the export was successful is displayed, click OK.
Export a compressed report
- On the Home ribbon, click Export Report to display the submenu, and then select Compressed.
- (Optional) To name the report automatically based on any database field found, select Automatic Eclipse Name from the drop-down menu.
In the Select field from dialog box, expand and select the appropriate node and click OK. - In the dialog box, browse to the folder where you want to export the data.
If the folder is not found, click OK to create a new one. - If a compression tool is not found, a dialog box prompts you to browse for the .EXE file.
The default compression tool is set in Preferences. - When the dialog box that indicates that the export was successful is displayed, click OK.
Export web
Exporting a report to the web provides high accessibility for users. The report can be exported as HTML or MHT files.
Export a report to the web:
- Review the export options for each hyperlink in the report.
- On the Home ribbon, click the down the arrow on the Export to Web button.
- From the drop-down menu, select .html or .mht.
The Export Report to Web dialog box is displayed. - Set the options as needed.
- Under Export To, select a location to save the files.
The default location is the same directory as the report. - Select or clear Open file when done. check
- If you want to use a Word template, under Template Options, select Use Word Template.
To browse to the location of the Word template, click the ellipsis (...). Then select Text Output Location Keyword. - If you are not using a template, under Formatting Options optionally select where page numbers should appear on each page and enter header and footer text.
- Click Export.
Export PDF
Exporting a report to Adobe Acrobat PDF enables you to print the report if needed and/or distribute the file using a free, highly accessible format. The entire Polygon report is transferred to a printable PDF file.
Export a report to PDF:
- Click the Home Ribbon and click the Export PDF button.
Click the Export PDF button on the Quick Access Bar.
The Export Report to PDF dialog box opens. - Set the options as needed.
- Under Export To, select a location to save the PDF file.
The default location is the same directory as the report. - Select or clear Open file when done.
- Under Template Options, if you want to use a Word template, select Use Word Template.
Using this option disables the ability to select formatting options. - Browse to the location of the Word template.
- If you would like the report to be inserted in a specific place within the Word template, enter the Text Output Location Keyword.
This is text that appears in the template and which may be used to indicate where the report should be inserted (such asReport starts here.
). - If you have not selected a template, choose options under Formatting Options.
Select where page numbers should appear and enter header and footer text if desired. - Click Export.
Export Word
Exporting a report to Word enables you to make edits to the report, print, or share. The entire active pane is copied to into the Word document.
Export a report to Word:
- Review the export options for each hyperlink in the report.
- Click the Home ribbon.
Click the Export Word button on the Quick Access Bar. - Click the Export Word button and select from the drop-down menu, depending on what type of file you want to create: .doc, .docx, or xml.
The Export Report to Word dialog box opens.
Set export options:
- Under Export To, select a location to save the Word file.
The default location is the same directory as the report. - Select or clear Open file when done.
- Under Template Options, if you want to use a Word template, select Use Word Template.
Using this option disables the ability to select formatting options. - Browse to the location of the Word template.
- If you would like the report to be inserted in a specific place within the Word template, enter the Text Output Location Keyword.
This is text that appears in the template and which may be used to indicate where the report should be inserted (such asReport starts here.
). - If you have not selected a template, choose options under Formatting Options.
Select where page numbers should appear and enter header and footer text if desired. - Click Export.
Export data
You can export subject variables for inclusion in average or normal databases. This data is saved separately from the report as a Polygon external data file (.PXD).
Export external data:
- In the upper panel of the Data Bar, highlight the trial name.
- On the Data ribbon, click the click the Export Data button.
The Save As dialog box is displayed. - Browse to the location where you want to save the .PXD file and click OK.
- As needed, import the data file back into Polygon to add data.
Export Excel
You can manipulate Polygon report data in Excel by exporting the report to a report to Excel. Data from Polygon will be arranged into tabs and columns for easy access.
Export a report to Excel:
- If you will be exporting a single trial, highlight the trial in the upper panel of the Data Bar.
- On the Data tab, click Export to Excel.
- From the drop-down menu, click one of the following:
- Selected: Click to export the trial selected in the Data Bar.
- Choose Trials: Click to display the Select Trials to Export dialog box. Click the check box (es) to select the desired trials to export. Then click the button to select a location for the Excel file. Browse to the location and type a New Folder Name if needed. Click OK. If creating a new folder, click Yes when prompted. Click OK in the last dialog box.
The pre-installed PolygonGaitReport macro file runs automatically when data is exported to Excel.
Export AVI
You can export a 3D Workspace pane to an .AVI movie file.
Export to AVI:
- Click in the 3D Workspace pane that you want to export.
- On the 3D ribbon, click Export AVI.
The Export Movie Options dialog box opens. - Click to browse to the location where you want to export the file.
- If you want the file to open after exporting, select the Open exported movie when complete check box.
- Choose the desired Compression Codec from the drop-down box.
- Click Export.
Practice exporting from Polygon
- Export your saved report to using the different options.
- Use the Customization options to adjust the format of your exported report.